Take the photo….

Nowadays it seems people only want a instagram or facebook perfect image. If it’s not an image they would post on social media they aren’t interested in having it taken. Don’t get me wrong I’m guilty of not wanting to have my photo taken. I always feel and look so awkward when I’m on the other side of the camera so I avoid it like the plague.

In the past 2 months I have gone through catalogs of my images to pull files for 2 families who have lost loved ones much too soon. It is not a position I ever imagine when I am invited into families lives to take their photo. I am in the business of capturing fleeting, and usually happy moments. Unfortunately, life is real and raw and completely unpredictable. When I read an email that said-I’ thought I would have a lifetime worth of images’ it really hit me to the core. I find myself so guilty of this and I’m sure we all do at some point or another. We talk about how we know life is a precious gift but all too often we live it as if we are promised tomorrow and another days worth of memories.

Take the photo-no makeup, non matching outfits and print the memories. Fill albums (old school I know) with your images or print books from your iPhone photos, whatever it is you prefer, but take the photos and hold onto the memories. Invest in a family session at least once a year. I know it is stressful, trust me as a photographer I go through the same anxiety of what everyone will wear and how my hair will look (just ask my husband who every year asks why do you do this to yourself?!). This isn’t a sales pitch but an earnest plea from the heart of a mother. If you are a mama get a mommy and me session. You are usually the one behind the camera, treat yourself to a moment in front of it just playing with your kids. Memories are priceless.


I love my job more than anything, the connections and the memories I get to share in are beyond incredible. But now, more than ever, I see the true value of a photograph as everlasting memories for people to cherish.

Be prepared in session with me. If you are just tagging along during your childs senior session or just want photos of your kid I am going to insist on capturing at least one image of you with them. It’s not for social media-it is for you. Don’t argue, just smile and let me take an image that out of all of the ones I take for the day your  child will probably look back and appreciate the most.



I ask for continued prayers for these beautiful families.

  1. Deeda says:

    Oh Kenna, you are so correct. Life has a way of reminding us that those fleeting moments captured in photos may be all we have. The pictures will continue to tell a story. You have a wonderful way of capturing the love and happiness through your photos. Love all that you do.

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