Ok but really where has the time gone? I feel like I find myself saying that more and more recently. With the shut down this year it has definitely created a little time warp where things felt like they were dragging on and then all of sudden the year is half over.
When Marcy contacted me to find out when I would be in Kentucky to schedule a session to celebrate Layken turning 5 it really didn’t seem possible. When I first met Layken she wasn’t even a year old….it was the fall of 2015. I have watched her grow into a sassy and sweet little girl who knows what she wants and always has on the best shoes. Moments that allow me to see and catch up with this family are some of my favorite. Nathanial has grown a million feet and I’m just waiting for the day when he get out of the car for a session and is taller than me.
Thank you Steve and Marcy for letting me connect with your family almost 5 years ago. I am so grateful for the shared moments and milestones and cannot wait to see you all again this fall when I come back to Kentucky.