I love planning senior experiences. This studio session combined so many of my favorite things that it makes my heart want to explode with happiness when I look at the gallery. I took Hunter and Morgan, my new back drop and yellow chair in my studio in Abingdon Virginia. I would give anything to go […]

Hunter+Morgan|Abingdon Seniors

March 11, 2021

Hunter is amazing. I have worked with her before so she was 100% aware of my crazy ideas and posing directions. She knew I was going to ask her to smell her shoulder, twirl, laugh obnoxiously. and lay in the tall weeds. She came into the session expecting just about anything and was 100% up […]

Hunter Abingdon HS Senior

Laundromat Senior Session

November 10, 2020

This was a Abingdon senior, dancer, double rainbow kind of night. When Morgan arrived at Lukes Cafe it was just barley misting the rain which turned into a pretty epic rainbow that followed us around for the next hour. There were moments when it even felt like a fall night so we couldn’t have asked […]

Morgan Crum| Abingdon HS Senior

September 16, 2020

I have know of Katherine since she was a little girl who hung around the baseball offices at Emory so being able to capture this milestone for her meant a lot to me. Lots of things have tried to get in the way of this session but we were determined to make it happen. Despite […]

Katherine SR E&H 2020

June 1, 2020